Ukrainian Emergency Research Support Program

Ukrainian students are fleeing the Russian invasion and are forced to abandon or interrupt their studies; researchers are unable to continue their work. While Canada provides a safe landing for temporary and permanent relocation, Ukrainians will face significant disruption to their lives and careers.

Nova Scotia is gearing up to welcome Ukrainian refugees and immigrants. More than 9,000 people of Ukrainian heritage live in Nova Scotia, and nearly 13,000 international students were enrolled in Nova Scotian postsecondary institutions in 2020.

Research Nova Scotia is offering immediate research support funding for Ukrainian students and researchers who are relocating to Canada, either temporarily or permanently, as a result of the Russian invasion.

Working with postsecondary institutions, as well as other research-focused organizations, Research Nova Scotia will provide grants in the following categories:  

  • Research assistant grant to Ukrainian students from research-intensive programs in Ukraine who wish to continue their research projects in Nova Scotia. The grant provides funding to continue or restart the research projects they were forced to abandon, under the guidance of local supervisors at Nova Scotian postsecondary institutions. This grant may also be used by Nova Scotia researchers to fund Ukrainian students on projects within the field of research that the student was forced to abandon.

  • Visiting researcher start-up grant to institutions that hire early-career and established researchers leaving their research positions in Ukraine who are looking to continue their work while living in Canada. The start-up grant will be designated for establishing lab and facilities space for displaced Ukrainian researchers, and provide infrastructure access or access to equipment needed to continue their research careers. This grant is intended to offset some of the costs of institutions outfitting offices and making lab space available, renting out or sharing equipment, and integrating visiting Ukrainian researchers into a Nova Scotian post-secondary education system.

Both granting streams support research continuity, so that displaced Ukrainian newcomers may continue their work in a new environment. Supporting highly qualified personnel as they continue their studies and research will strengthen Nova Scotia’s research capacity, and position the recipients to either return to their studies and career paths with reduced interruption when returning home, or enable them to continue in their fields of study should they remain in Canada.

Research Nova Scotia invites participation from Nova Scotia’s postsecondary institutions, research-focused organizations, and health research institutes. We will continue to work closely with the research and innovation community to identify additional areas of support; we welcome participation from partners to expand the eligibility and scope of the research support efforts.

For more information please contact Kelly Hancock, Intentional Research Officer, at